Slain & Knocked Down

Kharkhan Khrael stepped aside contemptuously, watching as the young Lánaraï scout's arcane-infused blade traced a glimmering arc in the fading dusk air. Choosing the moment, practised upon untold thousand of battlefields before, he stepped suddenly and forcefully into the scout's reach. The panicked Lánaraï attempted to reposition the sword, but in a sickly blur of motion, Kharkhan's vice-like grip ensnared the scout's sword arm, twisting and breaking it at the elbow.

The moment the shattered bone was exposed to the fading light, Kharkhan's other arm flashed a dull glimmer of blackened steel, and the Lánaraï's viscera spilled upon the bare rocks. Ignoring the scene of gore, he picked up the shining sword from where it had fallen from the scout's failed grip. With a lazy movement, Kharkhan casually smashed the blade against the hard stellarite rocks, letting shards of metal ring as the tumbled into the crevasse below.

He regarded the broken hilt with mild interest. The blade was worthless. No weakling scout would be entrusted with a true starsteel weapon, yet he was sure the glimmering he saw was more than a cheap trick. Mali would know how to make use of the power contained within it.

Slain NPCs & Looting

If an NPC's Health reaches zero or less, they will be Slain. Slain NPCs are corpses which remain visible on the Battleground for a while. You can loot a corpse by spending an action point. Loot may include money or items of varying rarity, depending on the NPC that was slain. Some NPCs may also drop Loot Cards when slain, which allow you to draw a card from the Loot Deck. Once a corpse has been looted once, it cannot be looted again.

Knocked Down Players

If a player's Health reaches zero or less, they become Knocked Down. Players can be revived by another player, or by the GM at their discretion. If a player wants to revive another player, it requires a whole turn.

If all players in a group are knocked down…

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