Creating a Character

Choosing a Race

The first stop in creating a new character is choosing a race. In the Alpha version of the game you can choose between the Lánaraï and the Kheïtanni only. Other playable races will be available in the future.

Choosing your character’s race is an important decision.

Your warband must include only Lánaraï or Kheïtanni characters. Over six thousand years of civil war has divided the descendants of the Aëdr, so under no circumstances would they ever fight side by side.

Character Details

The next step is to choose a name for your character, select the pronouns by which you'd like your character to be referred, and pick a profile image to represent your character in the game. There are a number of preset profile images to choose from that are suitable for your selected character race.

Uploading your own profile picture will be supported in a future version of the companion app.


The final step in creating character is setting your statistics. This includes the starting values for your character's Speed, Toughness, Perception and more.

If you want to jump in and start playing, you can choose to use the default starting statistics for your character, which depend on the race you have chosen.

Alternatively, if you’d rather create take the time to create your own character, you can roll for each of your statistics. Rolled statistics use the same baseline starting statistics as the race you have chosen, but with a potential range from -2 to +2.

That means for a Lánaraï with Strength 5, you would have a potential range between 3-7 for the Strength statistic.

There’s both risk and reward here, but you’ll be given up to 3 re-rolls to help you out.

What are my chances?

10% chance of a -2 modifier

20% chance of a -1 modifier

40% chance of no modifier

20% chance of a +1 modifier

10% chance of a +2 modifier

Last updated

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