Change Log (App)

App • 0.3.4 (294)

  • NPCs now have 3 action points per turn

  • There is no longer a distinction between NPC tactics and combat actions when using action points

  • Fixed an issue where groups weren’t appearing on the map for the GM

  • Added online status for players

App • 0.3.3 (293)

  • The hex indicator will show a higher or lower dungeon tile as not travelable unless it is a ramp

  • Implemented hunger and thirst features

  • Players can now collect and use an item from a usable resource in a single action

  • Players can now collect and craft an item from a craftable resource in a single action

App • 0.3.3 (292)

  • The GM Turn indicator is now green for GMs and red for players

  • Improved the UI for accessing crafting and paths

  • Fixed an issue with null exceptions in worlds where there is no weather

  • The game now loads the first player’s world for GMs

  • The player object is no longer spawned for GMs who are not players

  • Tapping the hex shortcut will now cycle between players in different worlds for GMs

  • The player and group pins can now display up to 5 players

App • 0.3.3 (291)

  • Added new high resolution Item, Ability and Formula icons

  • Content importer now points to new icons

  • In Storyline, the content pull UI can now be tapped to load more items

App • 0.3.3 (290)

  • Added 6 new player profile images

  • Fixed an issue with commas when importing items from CSV

  • Improved the appearance of drawing loot cards

App • 0.3.2 (289)

  • Sign in and sign out now use the new auth route

  • Fixed a bug that occurred when tapping the enemy shortcut in the top nav multiple times

  • Added and set up Rhïan Temple dungeon assets

  • Added wall variants for the Rhïan Temple dungeon assets

App • 0.3.1 (288)

  • Added an enhanced dynamic weather system that adds snow and rain effects

  • Weather system now receives the weather state from the server

  • Win direction now controls wind effects, cloud direction and rain or snow angle

  • Improved the lighting on the draw screen

  • Fixed an issue where the moon icon was shown on the hex card during daytime

  • Fixed an issue where players in different worlds were placed incorrectly on the map

  • Fixed some issues that could occur when players used portals

  • Improved the portal loading screen animation

  • Started work on a feature to allow GMs to quickly switch between worlds players in their warband are in

App • 0.3.0 (285)

  • Added tooltips for the action points and health UI elements on the Player Card

  • Added a tooltip for the path UI element on the Friend Card

  • The Hex Card will no longer allow players to attempt to move into Impassable hexes

  • Implemented movement checks for Treacherous terrain

  • Separated the main game and world scenes files

  • Reorganised the Scenes folder

  • The world scene is now loaded dynamically based on the player’s location

  • Added a set of placeholder hex tiles and add-ons for dungeons

  • The layout system now supports add-ons for hex tiles

  • Tiles in the layout system can now been given varying heights

  • Added a test dungeon scene

  • Improved the lighting settings for overworld and dungeon scenes

  • Fixed some issues with the worlds loading screen

App • 0.3.0 (283)

  • Added support for multiple worlds including the overworld and dungeons

  • Info about multiple worlds is now received from the server in the bundle

  • Implemented the ability for players to travel between worlds using Portals

  • Added a loading screen that appears when a portal has been used

App • 0.2.36 (282)

  • Added tooltips for the action points and health UI elements on the Player Card

  • Added a tooltip for the path UI element on the Friend Card

  • The Hex Card will no longer allow players to attempt to move into Impassable hexes

  • Implemented movement checks for Treacherous terrain

  • Seperated the main game and world scenes files

  • Reorganised the Scenes folder

  • The world scene is now loaded dynamically based on the player’s location

  • Added a set of placeholder hex tiles and add-ons for dungeons

  • The layout system now supports add-ons for hex tiles

  • Tiles in the layout system can now been given varying heights

  • Added a test dungeon scene

  • Improved the lighting settings for overworld and dungeon scenes

App • 0.2.35 (280)

  • Fixed an issue where armour save assignment cards showed the wrong profile for players

  • Improved UI on smaller device screens

  • Implemented Story Rolls for GMs

  • The Friend Card now shows the player’s primary Path

  • The Enemy Card now shows heroic frames for tougher enemies

  • Fixed an issue where gifting money was incorrectly limited

  • GMs can now gift players with money up to a set limit per player level

  • Started work on adding Tyranny Points for GMs

  • Redesigned the turn, time and powers section of the Group Card

  • Added tooltips for the turn, time, tyranny and transmute UI elements on the Group Card

  • Added tooltips for the action points and health UI elements in the Top Navigation

App • 0.2.34 (279)

  • Implemented an API to propagate world hex content to an environment instance in that world

  • Implemented an API to spawn content in a world environment instance

  • Player health in the top bar now shows HP and Max HP

  • Added Action Points and health to the Player card

  • Added a GM tag to the Player card

  • Fixed an issue where players who joined quests could be given the same quest multiple times

  • Fixed an issue where hex and players on hex server APIs were being called twice

  • Worked on a new pinch and zoom feature for the world map

  • Added feature flagging

App • 0.2.33 (278)

  • Fixed an issue where line breaks weren’t correctly converted in keyword descriptions

  • Fixed an issue where card headers were too wide

  • Fixed a typo in the warband co-op mode description

  • Encounters can now have tags

  • Added new path icons to the Paths card

App • 0.2.32 (277)

  • Improved the UX for the profile and account cards so they now use a full screen page style with a back button

  • Moved the warband settings options to a new screen that uses a full screen page style with a back button

  • Users can now reset their password securely from the account card

  • When the menu is opened, it is now always scrolled to the top

  • Added extra space to the bottom of the menu, player card scroll areas, the hex glimpse, the interact glimpse and helper cards

  • Fixed card headings UI so a line doesn’t appear through them when they fade in and out

  • Roll for initiative result now says completed instead of succeeded

  • Removed some redundant UI

  • Updated the splash screen artwork

App • 0.2.32 (276)

  • Added the ability for a user to access their account and reset their password with a secure code

App • 0.2.31 (275)

  • Gifts now appear as a moment card for recipient players via socket when they are connected or when they next sign in

Implemented the new dynamic content page system

  • Added story, about and credits pages

  • Fixed a range of issues with Path ability cost calculation

  • Fixed an issue where the quest actions popup had no overlay

App • 0.2.31 (274)

  • Players can now gift money and items to other players in their warband

App • 0.2.31 (273)

  • The warband name is now shown in the race specific colour

  • Updated player list items, quests and helpers to use the newer card style

  • Added the location name and hex number to the interact glimpse

  • Fixed an issue with displaying the keyword or ability name on the keyword info popup

App • 0.2.30 (270)

  • Fixed an issue where the roll glimpse headings were not appearing correctly

  • Fixed an issue where back button labels were not appearing correctly

  • Fixed an issue where after making a combat roll, the enemy card is not shown after pressing the done button

  • Fixed an issue where the warband co-op mode switch in group settings was not initially set correctly

  • Removed the GM is also player switch from group settings

App • 0.2.29 (269)

  • Fixed an issue where Quest and Encounter roll items had UI layout errors

  • Fixed an issue where the Tactics popup had UI layout errors

  • The moment card now correctly blocks clicks from raeching the world map underneath

  • The quest completed moment card is no longer shown on sign in

  • The quest completed moment card now shows prestige gained by completeing the quest

  • Removed the made with Unity screen

  • Left and right buttons for Feats on the roll glimpse are now faded out if there is only one item

App • 0.2.28 (268)

  • Fixed an issue where double tapping a switch player icon causes auth issues

App • 0.2.28 (267)

  • Item augments are now correctly shown for crafting products

  • Item info can now be shown for crafting pool items

  • Damage summary for combat abilities is now correctly shown

  • Enemy cards for corpses no longer display activation and initiative UI elements

  • Fixed an issue where warband pins moved incorrectly over the world map

  • Fixed an issue where required rolls for combat abilities were incorrectly shown on the roll glimpse

  • Fixed an issue where players in the battleground would be randomly re-ordered

  • Fixed an issue where long hour names or high turn numbers could cause the group card UI to break

App • 0.2.28 (266)

  • Created framework for procedural ambience system

  • Added ambient audio transitions for day and night

  • Added a new music system that plays music intermittently

App • 0.2.28 (262)

  • PlayerInfo now provides the player’s warband name and whether their warband has co-op mode switched on

  • Fixed an issue where rolling for combat abilities would show the wrong dice roll

  • Added support for new ability effect source, XP and NPC threat enhancements

  • Players from other warbands now appear in the Battleground if both your warband and theirs has co-op mode switched on

  • Players from other warbands in the Battleground now have an icons to indicate that they are from another warband

  • Friend cards and player list items for players from other warbands now show the name of their warband

  • Fixed an issue that occurred on the roll card when making an encounter check

  • Started work on a terrain snow shader

App • 0.2.27 (261)

  • The target assigner popup now shows players which enemy they have vantage or strike on

  • Assigned roll attempts listed on the roll card now show which NPC the roll is assigned to for GMs

  • The storyline now shows the hour and whether it is day or nighttime when starting a new turn

  • Enemy NPCs can no longer heal or respawn on an occupied hex (managed in settings)

  • The version info now fades in nicely on the splash screen

  • The copyright year on the splash screen and menu is now set to 2023

  • Fixed an error that occurs when the first slot of the crafting pool is empty

  • Fixed a typo when rolling to attempt a crafting formula

  • Fixed an issue where using a Loot Card from the inventory would not show the correct screen

  • Improved the messaging and response states when using items

  • The Mana glimpse and player card now correctly show Mana from augmented items

  • Items with Manabind augments now show how much mana they provide

  • The roll glimpse now prevents the player from rolling again until after the combat log has been shown

App • 0.2.27 (260a)

  • Added a new Creature NPC type

  • Creatures now appear in the battleground

  • Creatures have blue life bars to denote that they are passive

  • Fixed an issue where the encounter card would not display correctly when attempting to assign an encounter as a GM

  • Instant damage and damage over time abilities now show if they require vantage on the ability info panel

  • Fixed an issue where new profile pics were missing from the edit character screen

  • Fixed an issue where new profile pics were not appearing on player pins

  • Character names are now shortened when shown in the menu character switcher

  • Fixed an issue where the explore glimpse remained open on the create character screen

  • Fixed an issue where the menu reined open on app reload

  • Selected tabs now appear in the selected colour on the player card

  • Added some temporary updates to the old content generation system

  • Added a feature to generate world content based on zone resources and NPCs from the Content Editor

  • Warbands can now switch Co-Op (PvE) mode on or off (setting only, not implemented)

App • 0.2.26 (260)

  • Logs now correctly use a or an before the name of a feat

  • Fixed an issue where effects were stretched on the friend card

  • Improved the layout of the unbound feat button

  • Added context help for unbound feats

  • Fixed an issue where Rest and Revive were activated on tap rather than release

  • Fixed an issue where effect chips and info panels for combat bonuses didn’t show the right name or information

  • Modifiers shown when rolling for attack and hostile abilities now account for initiative bonuses and penalties

  • Added 4 new profile options for players and Lánaraï and Kheïtanni NPCs

  • Added the Skittish and Peaceful keywords

  • Implemented the new Zone type

  • Moved some hardcoded settings into rules settings

App • 0.2.25 (259)

  • Fixed an issue where casters couldn’t gain vantage on NPCs

App • 0.2.24 (258)

  • Fixed an issue where ranged damage was not calculated correctly

  • Implemented the new Dominion type

  • Hexes can now be assigned a Dominion

  • Fixed an issue where activated NPC abilities appeared on the roll screen with a cooldown

  • The back button in the create character screen now matches the updated UI style

  • If a warband has no shared quests there’s now a message under the warband quests tab

  • Unbound feats are now hidden for GMs

  • Fixed an issue where the UI doesn’t re-enable after an activated NPC is unable to use an ability

  • Fixed an issue where the roll required for an activated NPC to use an ability was miscalculated

App • 0.2.24 (258)

  • Fixed an issue where ranged damage was not calculated correctly

  • Implemented the new Dominion type

  • Hexes can now be assigned a Dominion

  • Fixed an issue where activated NPC abilities appeared on the roll screen with a cooldown

  • The back button in the create character screen now matches the updated UI style

  • If a warband has no shared quests there’s now a message under the warband quests tab

  • Unbound feats are now hidden for GMs

  • Fixed an issue where the UI doesn’t re-enable after an activated NPC is unable to use an ability

  • Fixed an issue where the roll required for an activated NPC to use an ability was miscalculated

App • 0.2.23 (257)

  • Increased the speed that menu-style cards open and close

  • Decreased the time required for long hold interactions

  • Added haptics to path ability interactions

  • Abilities now show the Mana and Action Points required to use them

  • Ability information now shows the amount of Mana the Ability requires

  • Item information now shows the amount of Mana the item provides

  • Added a mana glimpse to show the player’s total available Mana when viewing information about an Ability

  • The player’s total available Mana is now shown in the Spellbook tab on the Player card

  • Fixed an issue where keywords did not display correctly on the Ability information panel

  • Improved the way combat bonuses are shown on the Ability information panel

  • Fixed an issue where the top navigation could be hidden by some actions

  • Fixed an issue where crafting items didn’t correctly reference the available quantity from inventory

App • 0.2.22 (256)

  • Added coloured navigator icons for each Path

  • Added specialisation text for Paths

  • Added the Lured, Lupine and Contemptuous keywords

  • Temporarily simplified path upgrade cost calculation

  • The Player, Paths and Crafting cards now use a sliding open animation style

App • 0.2.22 (255)

  • Fixed an issue with the log entry for when a character has a keyword

  • Attempt item on the roll screen now show the AP cost for each attempt

  • Redesigned the player profile to use a full screen layout instead of a card

  • Redesigned the Paths panel to use a full screen layout instead of a card

  • Redesigned the Crafting panel to use a full screen layout instead of a card

  • Reorganised the Paths screen into tabs for Aspects, Unlockables and Description

  • Added descriptions for Paths

App • 0.2.21 (254)

  • Implemented the new Faction type

  • Quests can now have faction prestige as a reward

  • Quests can now start a new quest on completion

  • Added faction prestige to the player card

  • When viewing the world map screen the view is now instantly in the right place

  • Added the Ambusher keyword

App • 0.2.20 (253)

  • Re-enabled unbound feats

  • Improved the UI on the Resource action panel

  • Fixed an issue where the interact glimpse player list had an error for GMs

  • Single players can now progress their turn

App • 0.2.19 (252)

  • Fixed an issue where moment cards didn’t use the right overlay

  • Posts that appears as moments are now marked as read when the moment is shown

  • Moment cards are now only shown if the event is about you

  • Tapping the pin on the hex card now also selects the player’s hex

  • Tapping the pin on the hex card now takes GMs to the current hex shortcut

  • Added a new puzzle collectable type

  • Added icons for loot, resource and puzzle collectables

App • 0.2.18 (251)

  • Fixed a regression issue where players couldn’t view Quest cards

  • GMs can now browse the Void and Encounter decks correctly

App • 0.2.17 (250)

  • Warbands now have Transmute Points

  • Improved the hour counter and added Transmute Points to the Warband card

  • Improved the turn counter on the Warband card

  • Added tabs to the Warbands card for players and quests

  • GMs can now see all quests that players in their warband have

  • Fixed a typo in story logs when an NPC is slain by you

  • Added a popup panel that explains what a keyword’s effects are

  • Renamed the Fly button on the Hex card to Soar to align with the Keyword description

App • 0.2.17 (249)

  • Tapping the hex shortcut now cycles through warband player locations for GMs

  • Temporarily disabled automatically marking posts as read due to unexpected server crashes

  • Feat related stories now display a feat icon in the Storyline card

  • Linked the menu to legal page stubs

App • 0.2.16 (248)

  • Players are no longer able to start flying in a Void affected hex

  • Improved the storyline wording when encounters checks are made

  • Storyline wording now uses the words was and were correctly

  • Fixed a positional issue with the quests tab on the Player card

  • Fixed an issue with displaying Quest and Encounter feats on the roll glimpse

  • Fixed an issue Quest rules being generated out of order

  • Adjusted the lighting for the dice so its shadow isn’t visible when entering the roll view

  • Improved the design of start of turn markers on the storyline card

  • The onboarding experience can now be re-accessed from the app menu

  • The app menu now contains a link to the rules wiki

  • Updated the content builder

App • 0.2.16 (247)

  • Added a down for maintenance banner

  • The app now checks the server status on start-up before displaying the sign in screen

  • Added an onboarding experience that is shown to first time users

  • Added 3 of the 5 onboarding videos

  • Improved how copyright and version information is set for the splash screen and menu

App • 0.2.15 (246)

  • Fixed an issue where the build was pointing to the wrong server endpoint

App • 0.2.15 (245)

  • Fixed an issue where quest items were incorrectly positioned on the helper card

  • Fixed an issue where the super overlay was missing when viewing quest actions

  • Removed the option for the GM to move the whole warband

  • Added haptic feedback for long press actions

  • Added feedback when a crafting ability is used

  • Reordered players on the warband screen and interact glimpse so you, the GM and warband members are at the top

  • Cards on the draw screen are now reset instantly when returning to the screen

  • Rest and recover have been added to the storyline

  • Players are now allowed to see where their warband members are on other Hex tiles

  • Improved the messaging on the roll glimpse after a roll has been made

  • Added Void Encounters as a new type of Encounter

  • Encounter and Void cards can now be set to appear in the deck multiple times

  • Players are now assigned a Void card draw if they enter a Void affected hex

  • Players can now draw a Void card

  • Encounter and Void cards are now individually shown in the top navigation

App • 0.2.14 (244)

  • Completed work on allowing GMs to use abilities for activated NPCs

  • Refactored some roll glimpse code

  • The Void FX is now influenced by the day night cycle

App • 0.2.14 (243)

  • The player card will now scroll the view to the top when you tap any tab or shortcut

  • Tapping the player shortcut now always show the first tab

  • The world map will now never scroll while the menu is open

  • Refined the You screen with clearer subheadings

  • Removed deprecated items from the You screen

  • Moved ability effects and keywords to the Statistics screen

  • The Rest and Revive abilities now appear as abilities instead of button on the spellbook screen

  • The hints on the roll card are now tailored for players and GMs

  • Tactics info and buttons are now only shown on friend cards when the battleground card is also open

  • Added the ability to sign out from the main menu

  • Added wind trail FX synched to the server weather

  • Started work on adding The Void FX

App • 0.2.14 (242)

  • Fixed an issue where initiative rolls were not working correctly for players

  • Fixed an issue where the player icon wasn’t tappable for GMs with an activated NPC

  • It is no longer possible to rapidly tap view settings buttons too quickly

  • Started work on allowing GMs to use abilities for activated NPCs

App • 0.2.14 (241)

  • Fixed an issue where augmented items did not appear correctly

  • Fixed an issue where melee and ranged damage from augmented items was not shown correctly

App • 0.2.14 (240)

  • Added the ability for a GM to roll for initiative as an NPC

App • 0.2.14 (239)

  • Fixed an issue where the GM’s profile showed an activated NPC state with no activated NPC

  • Fixed an issue where the player icon when making armour save roll was incorrect

  • Player waiting icons on the warband screen are now only shown for non-GM players and in the player turn phase

  • Started working on wind particle FX

App • 0.2.13 (238)

  • The GM can now see action points for enemy NPCs on the Battleground card

App • 0.2.13 (237)

  • Moved the server endpoint to

  • Added the ability for a GM to attempt an armour save as an NPC

  • The health bar now updates for NPCs and players after failing an armour save roll

App • 0.2.13 (233)

  • Added a pause button to the music card

  • Added separate sliders for music and sound FX to the music card

  • Added an alpha version of a combat track which is triggered when enemies are revealed in the Battleground card

App • 0.2.13 (232)

  • Added the ability for a GM to perform a combat check on a player as an activated NPC

  • Fixed an issue where using some abilities did not show the roll screen

  • Fixed an issue where tactics were sometimes incorrect on friend cards

App • 0.2.13 (231)

  • Initial implementation of FMOD with a rudimentary volume slider

App • 0.2.13 (230)

  • Added a Music UI panel

App • 0.2.13 (229)

  • Fixed a known issue where a notification says GM has caused 0 damage when attacked as an activated NPC

  • The current tactic of a GM’s activated NPC is now shown on the friend card

  • Started work on implementing the ability for a GM to attempt a combat check as an activated NPC

  • Started work on implementing the ability for a GM to roll an armour save as an activated NPC

App • 0.2.13 (228)

  • Fixed an issue where the roll glimpse showed the wrong info when rolling for initiative

  • Added the ability for a GM to attack a player as an activated NPC

App • 0.2.12 (227)

  • Added the ability for a GM to gain vantage and strike on a player as an activated NPC

  • Added the ability for a GM to evade combat as an activated NPC

  • Added a new app icon

App • 0.2.12 (226)

  • Fixed some UI issues on the players actions card

  • The combat glimpse is now correctly shown for activated NPCs

  • Worked on implementing the ability for a GM to gain vantage and strike on a player as an activated NPC

  • Worked on implementing the ability for a GM to evade combat as an activated NPC

App • 0.2.12 (225)

  • Fixed an issue where the mark all post as read button on the storyline card didn’t fade when all posts were read

  • Quests are now accessed through the quest giver who is present on the hex tile

  • NPCs can now be set to be present only during certain hours

  • Added occlusion culling for performance optimisation

  • The top navigation profile now shows the GM’s activated NPC if they have one

  • GMs can now deactivate NPCs

  • Started work on showing tactics actions on player targets if the GM has activated an NPC

App • 0.2.11 (224)

  • Progressing the turn phase is now processed correctly as a socket event

  • The UI is now updated when the GM progresses the turn phase

  • Enemy corpses, looted enemies and knocked down players are now shown on the Battleground card

  • Added a button to mark all posts as read on the storyline card

  • Added a button to scroll to the bottom on the storyline card

  • Improved the title copy for the moment card

  • The tactics popup is no longer shown after a roll is cancelled or completed

  • Fixed a layout issue on the player card

  • Fixed some erroneous states where other hexes could be selected while the confirm glimpse is open

  • Fixed an issue where the top navigation threw an error for players who aren’t in a warband

  • Fixed an issue where the draw button isn’t hidden after drawing your last available card

App • 0.2.10 (223)

  • Added activation properties to enemies

  • Enemy cards now show the activation state

  • A GM can now activate an NPC in their turn phase

  • Fixed an issue where tapping the enemy shortcut didn’t open the battleground correctly

App • 0.2.10 (222)

  • Added new melee and ranged damage icons

  • The group card now shows if the current turn is the GM or player phase

  • Added in-world hours of the day

  • Added a selected state for battleground actors

App • 0.2.9 (221)

  • Added new Encounter, Void and Loot card face artwork

  • Added card face artwork for the 7 Loot item tiers

  • Added item icons for all new Loot item tiers

  • Encounter and Loot cards now animate nicely when drawn

  • Fixed a rendering issue with the world map selection marker

  • Fixed a bug where showing an Encounter card from the top nav hides the roll glimpse

  • Encounter and Enemy cards now correctly block clicks on the world map

App • 0.2.8 (220)

  • Players can see dice rolls when rolling for statistics

App • 0.2.8 (219)

  • Temporarily removed the Mobile Input Field plugin

  • Players can now roll for statistics

  • Players can now set their statistic mode

App • 0.2.7 (218)

  • Added updated Kheïtanni Outpost environment assets

  • Added world edge assets and placement system

  • Added world edges to the demo world map

  • Continued work on allowing players to roll their own character stats

App • 0.2.7 (215)

  • Fixed some issues where the right navigation icon wasn’t selected

  • Fixed some missing elements in the new create character screens

  • The Battleground (Tactics Visualiser) is now fully integrated

  • The Battleground is now updated if a combat event occurs with the player’s group

  • Started work on allowing players to roll their own character stat

  • Added new Lumë Pylon and Mórin Bone Shrine environment assets

App • 0.2.6 (214)

  • The GM can now assign a specific Encounter card to a player

  • Added a richer race selection experience when creating a character

  • Added the Fancy Carousel View asset to be used for onboarding screens

App • 0.2.6 (213)

  • Fixed an issue where Friend and Enemy Cards had incorrect icons

  • Fixed an issue where Friend and Enemy Cards had a broken statistics layout

  • The hex tile selector is now visible behind other objects

  • Friend cards now show the character’s description and backstory in the More tab

  • Character descriptions and backstories may now be up to 1000 characters

  • Added a content page UI panel type

  • Added an early concept of the Battleground (Tactics Visualiser)

App • 0.2.5 (212)

  • Improved the user flow when viewing Tactics Actions for NPCs

  • The player can now tap on another player to view a Friend Card with details about that player

  • Friend Cards show statistics, ability effects and keywords for other players

  • GMs can now access player actions from Friend Cards

  • GMs can now browse all Encounter cards

App • 0.2.5 (211)

  • The player can now request to reset their password from the sign in card

  • Added the new Bloodhenge and bone assets

  • Added some test miniatures for Battlegrounds UI exploration

App • 0.2.4 (207)

  • Encounter cards are now drawn manually when the player fails an Encounter check

  • Cards can now only be drawn when applicable in the gameplay

  • An icon now appears at the top if the player has an Assignment

  • Added a help box to explain the various types of rolls on the roll card

  • Added a help box to explain the various types of cards on the draw card

  • Removed the option for unbound rolls

  • Fixed an issue where tapping done on profile edit took the player to the map screen with no nav icon active

  • Improved the layouts of account and character profile cards

  • Fixed a visual glitch on the player card

  • The player can now roll for armour saves

  • Improved some Storyline logs for armour saves

  • The player can now roll for Initiative checks

App • 0.2.3 (206)

  • Added pagination to the Storyline card

  • Added pull tips to Storyline (X older or newer messages)

  • Added Kheïtanni town assets

  • Added waterfall test assets

  • Improved bloom rendering settings

  • Upgraded the Unity version to 2020.3.34f1

  • Added the new Assignment data type

  • Reordered the tabs in the Roll Card

  • The Roll Card now displays Assignments

  • Improved the appearance of views where there are no items

  • The player can now roll for Encounter checks

  • Fixed some errors on the map view with players who aren't in groups

App • 0.2.2 (205)

  • Improved the action logs when a player uses an ability that automatically succeeds

  • Fixed an issue with missing symbols in ability info panel

  • Fixed the position of the done button on the actions log glimpse

  • Fixed an issue where the interact glimpse appeared over the overlay Improved the padding in the layout of the player equipment screen

  • Improved the height of the actions log, interact glimpse and notification

  • Fixed a grammar issue in stories where you do not need to roll for initiative

  • You can no longer try to roll for combat feats from the roll screen

  • The content importer now accepts 3 rather than 2 loot items per character

  • When creating a new character, starter items are now automatically equipped

  • Combat feats can now be assigned to certain NPC types and races

  • Navigating to the map view now refreshes group locations on the map

App • 0.2.1 (204)

  • Added new map markers

  • Fixed a typo when attempting to draw a Void Card

  • Fixed some issues where exiting Paths via the header can leave the Honour glimpse open

  • The player can now be reloaded by tapping the player icon

  • The player is now reloaded if the device enters and leaves the app without trggering a reload

  • The target assigner is no longer shown when using an AoE ability

  • Added a simple solution to update the location of other players in a group when they move

  • Improved UI panel layout to better suit devices with smaller screens

  • Known issue with the Paths UI panel layout (to be fixed)

  • Improved the scrollable areas on many UI panels

App • 0.2.0 (203)

  • Fixed an issue where quest posts in storyline didn’t get marked as read correctly

  • Fixed an issue where flags were not cleared when switching to a different player

  • Fixed a range of issues with flags not being raised and lowered correctly

  • Fixed an issue with incorrect quest posts in storyline

  • Quest stories now show the correct name and GM tag

App • 0.1.202

  • Added new UI icons

  • Renamed Combat Log to Action Log

  • Resources are no longer shown when none remain

  • Fixed an issue where receiving an Encounter card throws an error

  • Fixed an issue where the GM player pin was shown in some cases

  • Fixed an issue where encounter checks were not showing consequences or stories

  • Fixed an issue where feat failure or success was shown immediately in a notification

  • A message is now shown if a player or NPC does not need to roll for initiative

  • The moment card is now only shown if a quest is assigned by the GM

App • 0.1.201

  • Fixed an issue where if reward points have zero value they still appeared on the moment card

  • Prevented the resource actions panel showing tags that aren’t needed

  • Fixed an issue with rules not appearing for quests

  • Fixed an issue where tapping the encounter shortcut while the hex glimpse is shown creates an erroneous UI state

  • Added a timer so reloading after the app loses focus only occurs after a set period

  • Fixed an issue where gained keywords don’t appear correctly in the combat log

App • 0.1.200

  • Fixed an issue where the overlay was not shown with the moment card

App • 0.1.199

  • Fixed an issue where the interact card could not be scrolled

  • Fixed an issue where ability results would not be interpreted correctly by the roll glimpse

  • Fixed an issue with loot card icons

  • Fixed an issue with the loot corpse button

  • Fixed an issue where encounter rolls weren’t displayed correctly in storyline

  • Fixed an issue where NPCs slain by instant damage abilities weren’t displayed correctly in storyline

  • Fixed an issue with the player statistics view

  • NPC cards now display all of their statistics Improved the button size on the paths card

Versions prior to 0.1.199 were part of the Pre-Alpha development phase.

Last updated