Change Log (Server)
Server • 0.3.6 (301)
NPCs now have 3 action points per turn
There is no longer a distinction between NPC tactics and combat actions when using action points
Fixed an issue where the game time was incorrectly shown for reset groups
Added online status for players
Server • 0.3.5 (300)
Resources can now be unlimited, usable and craftable
Players can now collect and use an item from a usable resource in a single action
Players can now collect and craft an item from a craftable resource in a single action
Implemented hunger and thirst counters and keyword adding and removal on start player turn
Implemented hunger and thirst keyword removal on use food or beverage item
Implemented hunger and thirst statistic penalties
Ability effects can now be permanent
Fixed an issue that occurred when crafting a formula that should produce multiple products but you only got one
Server • 0.3.5 (299)
Hex IDs and neighbour IDs are now rebased when loading and unbased saving the game world
Server • 0.3.4 (298)
Added caching of PlayerInfo data on the server
Fixed an issue when snap freezing and hot rebooting the server
The spawn world command now correctly targets the selected instance
Fixed an issue where keywords were not correctly removed for combat bonuses
Fixed an issue with collecting resources
Server • 0.3.4 (297)
Massive codebase refactor with routes set up, added helper files, less code all in one big files
Many rounds of code fixes to realign to the new refactored code structure
Fixed a null exception error where NPC threats had not been initialised
Fixed an error that occurred when the enemy has strike or vantage on you but you don’t
SinglePlayerTurn is now set to 1 on player creation
Server • 0.3.3 (296)
Weather state changes are now saved to the instance on the database
Weather is now independently evolved based on config interval settings
Server • 0.3.2 (295)
Added a dynamic weather system that rolls weather state from a set of presets and randomises other values
Weather changes are sent to all connected clients
Players now can’t reach an area of a different raised height without moving through a ramp hex
Fixed an issue where a new character’s starting world was not set
Players in other warbands are now affected by friendly abilities the on the sane hex if the caster has warband co-op mode switched on
Server • 0.3.1 (294)
Added an API for players to travel between worlds using portals
Multiple worlds are now saved individually
Fixed an issue that occurred when hot rebooting the server
Fixed some issues that occurred when spawning and propagating worlds
Server • 0.3.0 (293)
The server now supports multiple worlds including the overworld and dungeons
Multiple worlds are preloaded from a configuration and injected into hexes
Worlds now have a type that can be set in the content editor
Player world is automatically set from UpdatePlayersOnStart
Removed some unused server cycling code
Server • 0.2.48 (292)
Fixed a potential null exception issue when saving a world
Server • 0.2.48 (291)
Movement onto a hex containing Treacherous terrain now requires a movement check
If a player fails a movement check on Treacherous terrain they will now receive 1 Damage
Upgraded NodeJS and all package versions so no package is outdated
Server • 0.2.47 (290)
If a player joins a quest that has been Closed by other members of the warband, they will receive it with the Completed status
Added an API for the GM to make a Story Roll at any time
The PlayerInfo object now returns the player’s primary Path
GMs can now gift players with money up to a set limit per player level
Warband turns are no longer directly connected to game time
If players in a warband are in combat, ending a turn will now advance the game by smaller amount of game time
Vantage and Strike are now checked at the start of a new player turn to ensure that slain enemies are no longer targeted
Server • 0.2.46 (289)
Players are now assigned an initiative roll when they join a group
When a player gains the GM role, any assignments from the previous GM are now assigned to them
When a player gains the GM role, any player assignments are unassigned from them
When a player loses the GM role, any GM assignments are unassigned from them
When a player loses the GM role, they are now assigned an initiative roll
Fixed an issue where an assigned armour save didn’t appear without a forced profile reload
NPCs are now cleaned for null list values when the server starts
Fixed a crash caused by erroneous code in the attempt assigned feat API code
Server • 0.2.45 (288)
Player tactics are no longer reset when the server is started
GM activations are no longer reset when the server is started
GM assignments are no longer reset when the server is started
Old GM assignments for NPC initiative rolls are removed when the server is started
GMs are now given new assignments for required NPC initiative rolls when the server is started
Hexes in the world environment instance are no longer overwritten when the server is started
Fixed an issue where players who joined quests could be given the same quest multiple times
Added an API to propagate world hex content to an environment instance in that world
Added an API to spawn content in a world environment instance
Server • 0.2.44 (287)
Fixed a number of values that weren’t server authoritative when creating a new warband
Warband turn and phase is now set correctly on warband creation
Warband names are now validated in the same way as player names
Players are now given 3 Honour points when they are created
Fixed an issue where the player key was shown instead of the name on the moment card when sending a gift
Implemented the Stunned keyword for players and NPCs
Implemented the Overwhelmed keyword for activated NPCs
Server • 0.2.43 (286)
Updated the instructions on the reset password email template
Server • 0.2.43 (285)
Added the ability for a user to access their account and reset their password with a secure code
Server • 0.2.42 (284)
Added an API for dynamic content pages
Fixed a range of issues with Path ability cost calculation
Server • 0.2.42 (283)
Added an API that allows players to gift money and items to other players in their warband
Server • 0.2.41 (282)
Fixed an issue where players did not lose vantage when an enemy gains strike on them
Players now only automatically gain vantage on an enemy that gains vantage on them if they don’t already have vantage on another enemy
Added patch filters that allow only certain players or groups to be reset by the reset patch
Fixed an issue where player paths weren’t reset correctly by the reset patch
Fixed an issue when updating groups on server start up
Fixed an issue where the player who moved was also getting set an on move other player socket event
The GM is now assigned an armour save for a NPC that is hit by a combat ability
Fixed an issue with melee damage item augments
NPCs no longer automatically gain strike on a player that attacks them
NPCs now gain threat when they receive damage from players
Idle NPCs now lose threat after a certain time has elapsed since the last damage from that source was received
NPC threat is now used to determine which players contributed to slaying that enemy and to award XP to them
Damage over time ability effects now include a source, so threat can be attributed from them
Fixed an issue with getting bonus armour values (updated in 0.2.41a hotfix)
Server • 0.2.40 (280b)
Fixed an issue where single player movement would cause a server crash
Refactored the single player move fix to solve another potential crash error
Server • 0.2.39 (280)
The storyline now shows the hour and whether it is day or nighttime when starting a new turn
Fixed an error that occurs when using an Arcane or Consumable type item with no bound ability
Improved the messaging and response states when using items
Fixed a range of issues that occurred when using Manabound items and items with Manabind augments
Server • 0.2.38 (279)
Fixed an error in the ambusher feature when the player attempts to move
Fixed an error when accepting quests where the quest has no rules
Fixed an issue where NPC initiative rolls could be erroneously assigned to players
Fixed an issue where matching item tags conflicted when there is more than one item vendor in one hex
Added an API to generate world content based on zone resources and NPCs
Added an API to allow warband to switch Co-Op (PvE) mode on or off
Server • 0.2.37 (278)
Fixed an issue with incorrect health values when healing, damaging or buffing a player as a GM
Players and NPCs now receive bonuses or penalties to combat and hostile ability rolls based on their initiative
If the player moves into a new hex where there are NPCs with no initiative, the GM is now assigned an initiative roll for each NPC
Fixed an range of issues that occurred with faded corpses
Ambusher NPCs now get +2 initiative on the turn they reveal themselves
Implemented the Skittish and Peaceful keywords
Added an API for Zones
Moved some hardcoded settings into rules settings
Items can now be empowered with Mana augments
Empowered items can now be used to provide Mana for abilities
Improved the wording of some error messages
Assigned save rolls now contain the damage type
Fixed an issue where NPCs that were hit by a ranged attacks would automatically gained strike
Fixed an issue where incompatible characters were not stripped from non-local environments (fixed in 0.2.37a hotfix)
Incompatible characters are now set to dormant on non-local environments (fixed in 0.2.37b hotfix)
Characters and formulas that were incompatible with 0.2.36 are now available (updated in 0.2.37c hotfix)
Fixed an error with checking character keywords (updated in 0.2.37d hotfix)
Server • 0.2.36 (277)
Fixed an issue with incorrect logging of players with the Void Form keyword
Added logging for players with the Flying keyword when making saving rolls
Added logging for players who become Stunned
Players now only automatically gain vantage on an NPC that gains vantage on them if they don’t already have strike
Fixed an issue where casters couldn’t gain vantage on NPCs
Fixed a crash issue when accepting a quest
Fixed an issue with combat bonus calculation
Server • 0.2.35 (276)
Ranged special abilities now use the strength of the ranged weapon, not the bearer to roll for the attack ability
Special attack abilities now show the player and enemy stats in the log
Special attack abilities for activated NPCs now show the player and enemy stats in the log
Added an API for Dominions
Fixed a range of targeting issues when using an ability as an activated NPC
Server • 0.2.34 (275)
The reset players patch now also resets money, paths, honour points, world quest points and factions
Abilities can now require Mana to use them
Added the Charming and Perceptive keywords
The player can now gain the Charming keyword by successfully completing an unbound Feat of Charisma
The player can now gain the Perceptive keyword by successfully completing an unbound Feat of Perception
Items can now be bought at a discount if the player has the Charming keyword
Added version stripping for rules and bundle contents
Server • 0.2.33 (274)
Players now start with 350, rather than 150 money (3 silver, 50 copper)
Players now start with no items
Players now start with only racial abilities
The reset players patch now also resets items, abilities and equipment
The reset players patch now uses config settings for placing players in their start location
Server • 0.2.32 (273)
Gaining and losing Action Points now affect Turn Actions
Implemented the Lured, Lupine and Contemptuous keywords
Implemented the Frozen keyword for NPC actions
The server now forces Lured, Grounded and Frozen keyword abilities to be targeted at an enemy
Keywords can now trigger additional actions when they are gained
Temporarily simplified path upgrade cost calculation
Server • 0.2.32 (272)
World Quests can now also include starting a quest or prestige as a reward
Prestige is now reset when players are reset
Players can now join a quest that has already been started by another warband member
Server • 0.2.31 (271)
Fixed an issue where a log containing the Shielded keyword was incorrectly shown
Server • 0.2.30 (270)
Added APIs to support the new Faction type
Fixed an issue where NPC presence time was incorrectly calculated
Quests can now have faction prestige as a reward
Quests can now start a new quest on completion
Implemented the Ambusher keyword
Server • 0.2.29 (269)
Fixed another issue that caused a crash when moving the player
Re-enabled unbound feats
Assigned and unbound feats now return logs
Some Resources are now hidden from sight and won’t appear to players
Unbound Perception checks now make the player perceptive
Perceptive players can now see hidden Resources
Added an API for single players to progress their turn
Server • 0.2.28 (268a)
Fixed an issue that caused an error when moving the player
Server • 0.2.27 (268)
Fixed an issue that caused a crash when moving the player
Server • 0.2.26 (267)
Transmuting quest feats now requires the warband to use Transmute Points
The PlayerInfo object now contains quest references
Locking and unlocking a quest now only affects non-player GMs
Implemented the Anchored and Shielded keywords
Server • 0.2.26 (266)
Players are no longer able to move if an enemy has strike on them
Players are no longer able to gather resources if there are enemies present
Refactored assigned feats so they function using assignments
Assigned feats no longer block the GM turn from ending
Fixed an issue that caused checking if a player is blocked by an encounter to fail
Slain NPCs will now count towards all warband member quests
Fixed an issue where EnemyByName and EnemyByRace rules prevented a quest from being completed
Added legal page stubs
Added an error page
Worked on the reset password page
Server • 0.2.25 (265)
If a player enters a hex where a warband member has a Group Encounter, the player receives that Encounter
Fixed an issue where GMs were assigned an initiative roll for slain NPCs
Server • 0.2.25 (264)
Tapping the mark all as read button in the Storyline card is now more responsive
Improved the storyline wording when encounters checks are made
The player is now moved to the nearest graveyard if they are knocked down
The server can now serve web pages for players account management interactions
Added a web framework using pug and foundation
Started work on the reset password web page
Server • 0.2.25 (263)
Fixed an issue where banned users wouldn’t be rejected correctly when signing in
Added the ability to set the server as down for maintenance
Added an API to check the status of the server
Added an API to refresh the status of the server
If the server is down for maintenance, non-admin users are not able to sign in
If the server is down for maintenance, all requests will be denied to non-admin users
Server • 0.2.24 (262)
Rest and recover have been added to the storyline
Added an new Encounter result which removes the Void at a location
Added Void Encounters as a new type of Encounter
Encounter and Void cards can now be set to appear in the deck multiple times
It is no longer possible to fly into a Void affected hex
Players are now assigned a Void card draw if they enter a Void affected hex
Players can now draw a Void card
Server • 0.2.23 (261)
Completed work on allowing GMs to use abilities for activated NPCs
Refactored some abilities code
You can no longer gain strike or vantage on an NPC or player that is evading combat
GMs are now prevented from making certain actions with activated NPCs while they have incomplete assignments for that NPC
Server • 0.2.23 (260)
Fixed an issue with using hostile AoE abilities as a player
Worked on allowing GMs to use abilities for activated NPCs
Server • 0.2.23 (259)
Activation history is now reset for players on launch
Started work on allowing GMs to use abilities for activated NPCs
Server • 0.2.23 (258)
The GM is now assigned initiative rolls for NPCs near players if the NPC has not been recently activated by another GM
NPCs will now only have initiative automatically rolled for them if NPC targeting of warband members is turned on
Added an API for a GM to roll for initiative as an NPC
Server • 0.2.22 (257)
Fixed an issue where the GM’s activation history wasn’t cleared at the end of the GM turn phase
Fixed an issue where AoE abilities that targeted nearby friends had no effect
Server • 0.2.21 (256)
Progressing the turn phase now shows errors for GMs or the player having incomplete assignments
Server • 0.2.21 (255)
Optimised the API for a GM to attempt an armour save as an NPC
Armour saves are now assigned to the GM when a player attacks an NPC
NPCs will no longer target warband members at the end of the GM turn phase
Added a setting to switch NPC targeting of warband members on and off
Armour save APIs now return the current health state of the NPC or player
Server • 0.2.21 (254)
Added an API for a GM to perform a combat check on a player as an activated NPC
Added an API for a GM to attempt an armour save as an NPC
Server • 0.2.21 (253)
Fixed a logic issue when gaining vantage on a player as an activated NPC
Fixed a missing result when a player attacks NPC but misses
Player tactics are now reset when the server starts up
Added an API for a GM to attack a player as an activated NPC
Server • 0.2.20 (252)
Fixed a range of minor issues with vantage, strike and evade for activated NPCs
Server • 0.2.20 (251)
Fixed an issue where ranged and spellcaster specialist NPCs couldn’t automatically gain strike
Fixed an issue with the Disorientating keyword
Improved the way activation data is stored
NPCs can now only perform one tactics action and one combat action per turn
Completed APIs for a GM to gain vantage and strike on a player as an activated NPC
Added an API for a GM to evade combat as an activated NPC
Server • 0.2.20 (250)
NPCs can now be set to be present only during certain hours
Getting a hex will now only return NPCs that are currently present
GM player objects now hold history on NPCs they have activated or lost activation on
Added an API for a GM to deactivate an NPC
Started work on an API for a GM to gain vantage on a player as an activated NPC
Server • 0.2.19 (249)
Fixed an issue where marking all posts as read would time out because all posts were read
Server • 0.2.18 (249)
Added an API to mark all posts as read
Server • 0.2.17 (248)
Players now lose vantage or strike if the enemy NPC they had vantage or strike on becomes idle
Fixed an issue where gaining strike could cause a crash due to an incorrect variable
Server • 0.2.16 (247)
Added activation properties to enemies (NPCs)
Added an API for a GM to activate an enemy
Enemies automatically lose activation after the turn phase is progressed
Enemies automatically lose activation after a configurable time period
A GM can no longer progress a turn phase while players have incomplete assignments
Server • 0.2.16 (246)
Updated the former end turn API to progress between player and GM turn phases
Added socket events and posts for the start of player and GM turn phases
Fixed an issue where the first turn post came from the wrong player
Player actions that require action points can no longer be made in the GM turn phase
Server • 0.2.15 (245)
Fixed an issue with rolling player statistics
Server • 0.2.15 (244)
Added an API to roll a player’s statistic
Added an API to set player’s statistic mode
Improved the way player prototypes are referenced and loaded
Known issue with storing rolls and rerolls
Server • 0.2.14 (243)
Vantage, Strike, Evade, Attack and Combat Check events now trigger a Battleground update event for all connected group members
Players can no longer move into impassable hexes
The PlayerInfo object now includes player tactics
Server • 0.2.13 (242)
Added an API for the GM to assign a specific Encounter card to a player
GMs assigning Feats to players is no longer blocked by the player having other assignments
Rules now contain explanatory rule definitions for Keywords
Added Introduction and Speciality text to characters
Removed an erroneous value that was set on users when signing out
When character data is added, it now uses the supplied ID
Added spawn modes to NPCs
Server • 0.2.12 (241)
The reset players patch now clears players from hexes first
Fixed a bug where combat bonuses where incorrectly calculated for players attacking NPCs
Consumable and Arcane item types can now be used
Added description and backstory to the PlayerInfo object to support viewing other player’s content
Server • 0.2.11 (240)
Fixed a bug in reset password email merge tags
Fixed an issue where player records weren’t always getting cleaned
Added more data to the PlayerInfo object to support viewing other players
Server • 0.2.10 (239)
Added email sending capabilities
Added email merge tags capabilities
Added the reset password email template
Added an API to reset the user’s password
Added an API to save the user’s new password
Server • 0.2.9 (238)
Fleeing now ends the turn for the player
Moving no longer resets initiative
Ending the turn now assigns initiative checks to players after all NPC actions have been made
Players can now roll for initiative checks
NPCs now always roll for initiative together at the start of the GM turn phase
Refactored the player and groups reset patch
The reset patch now assigns players an initiative check at the start of turn 1
Server • 0.2.8 (237)
Encounter checks that fail now add a draw Encounter card Assignment
Drawing an Encounter card as a player now requires a valid Assignment
Drawing cards is no longer blocked by Assignments
Added an API to attempt armour saves
Removed damage from NPC attacks except for crits
NPC attacks that hit now add an armour save Assignment
Improved some Storyline logs for armour saves
Server • 0.2.7 (236)
Players are no longer required to check for an Encounter if a group member is in the hex they are moving to
Reviving now requires a full turn
Some actions can no longer be made if the player has incomplete Assignments
Card are now also drawn and revealed to Frozen and Knocked Down players in a group
Quests can now be progressed for Frozen and Knocked Down players in a group
Quest Feats can now be transmuted for Frozen and Knocked Down players in a group
When a player creates or accepts an invite to a group they will now see the current turn in Storyline
Reset path now also resets groups back to Turn 1
Server • 0.2.6 (235)
Added methods to check, add and remove Assignments
Player moves no longer automatically roll for Encounters
Added an API to roll for an Encounter check
Server • 0.2.5 (234)
Improved the action logs when a player uses an ability that automatically succeeds
Fixed a critical issue where progressing a quest caused a server crash
Fixed an issue where collecting a resource would have an error when saving the player
Combat feats can now be assigned to certain NPC types and races
Fixed an error that occurred when pushing an event to a group
Server • 0.2.4 (233)
Player reset patch now also resets ability cooldowns
Fixed an issue where saving the world as admin would wipe instances
Saving the world as admin no longer freezes and reboots the server
When instances load they now keep player locations, but refresh hexes from the master
Fixed some errors in pushing socket events to group members
Moved patches in a new file for safekeeping
AP and move cooldowns are now calculated in seconds
Fixed an issue where Fly and Void Form initiative advantage wasn’t applied as intended
Fixed an issue with wrong initiative rolls for NPCs
Server • 0.2.3 (232)
Fixed a critical error that occurred when using a friendly AoE ability
Connected players are now sent a message if a player in their group moves
Server • 0.2.2 (231)
Fixed an issue with preloading existing world instances
Server • 0.2.1 (230)
Fixed an issue with case sensitivity for email addresses when signing in, creating accounts and editing accounts
Added instanced versions of the game world for different environments (local, design, beta, live)
Server • 0.2.0 (229)
Quest posts are now sent by the player instead of the system
Editing player name now updates the search name correctly
Server • 0.1.228
Reset players patch now resets health and experience
Fixed an issue where NPC statistics modifiers were incorrectly applied
Fixed an issue where encounter checks were not showing consequences or stories
Reduced the number of server messages
A message is now shown if a player or NPC does not need to roll for initiative
The moment card is now only shown if a quest is assigned by the GM
Server • 0.1.227
Fixed an issue where NPC damaged by a spell heals too soon
Fixed a crash in abilities/use caused by an incorrect variable
Server • 0.1.226
Fixed an issue with player history
Server • 0.1.224
Fixed an issue where fleeing would not reset tactics
Fixed an issue where abilities that slay NPCs wouldn’t reset tactics correctly
Fixed an issue where players were not alerted when they moved and received an encounter card
Improved player creation and the player reset patch
Versions prior to 0.1.224 were part of the Pre-Alpha development phase.
Last updated
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