The Fringe World Rebellion

Cut off from the Aëdr empire by the Phantom Nexus, the fringe worlds voice their anger at the Násr Council for abandoning them. First the Khélex system, and then others demand secession from the empire. By the time the ponderous bureaucracy of the Násr has gone into motion, secessionist threats have become outright rebellion.

Ghór leads a force to quell the rebellion and restore order to the fringe worlds, but is coerced into deploying a Void-powered weapon created by Rhïarrh. The death toll is devastating and only a fraction of worlds survive the carnage. The former rebels surrender in mute shock as Rhïarrh claims a great victory for the council.

In secret, Rhïarrh has used the tremendous Void disturbance caused by the massacre to provide the materials and energies he need to create a new and terrifying body for himself in the Void – restoring at least his Void-being to life in completeness.

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